
Oct 27, 2013

Fashion Lover Weekly; Louisa

How is your Sunday going? Hope it's going well? I love Sundays, It's a day to relax chill out.. uhmm I don't mean Sunday nights tho LOL! Fashion Lover this week is another fab fashion blogger, I love her you'll love her too... 

Q: Your name and brief details about you?

Louisa: Hello Ms Funmi, I would first of all like to thank you giving me this medium. My name is Louisa Moje, a nickname and a shortened version of my last name that I use on my blog (as a way of separating my professional healthcare life from my social “blogging” life. I was born and raised in Nigeria and spent most of my teenage years in Edo state where I attended an all-girls catholic school. I grew up in a large family with my twin sister and I being the last of 10 children.
Q: Fave fashion/style quote(s)?

Louisa: One of my favorite fashion quote is “Fashion comes and goes, but style is forever.” ~ YSL/Coco Chanel

Q: Your top “5 wardrobe essentials”

Louisa: I love the versatility of a black cocktail dress,
a pair of comfortable pumps – what good is a pair of pumps if you can barely walk in them?,
a breathable denim perfect for the cold winter and summer month,
a pencil skirt ideal for work
and of course a purse.
Q: Do you follow trend? What’s your fave trend of the moment?

Louisa: At the moment, my favorite trend is black/white stripe. I actually created a black/white outfit post a month ago and I am looking forward to creating another one soon. I fell in love with the trend after seeing a repetition of this style in several fashion weeks. And hey, I might as well make the most of this trend before it becomes old fashion.

Q: Something you won’t be caught dead with/in? + Your fave fashion item(s)

Louisa: Oh I absolutely would NOT be caught wearing harem pants. It just doesn’t look right on me J

My favorite fashion item would be knee-length dresses with some flare. I like how they fit on me and they give me an opportunity to show some skin ;)

Q: Where do you shop?

Louisa: I shop at a variety of places from ASOS, Boohoo, Forever21, Lulu*s, DSW, Nordstrom to smaller stores like 10dollarmall, 599fashion and thrift stores for more bargain deals. I believe a girl can look like a million bucks if she’s got the confidence to pull off whatever she puts on. I am a huge online shopper because in the cowboy town of Laramie where I reside, there are no malls.
Q: Why do you buy an item (beauty, price tag, trend, or brand?)

Louisa: When it comes to making a purchase, I consider beauty, trend, price and lastly brand. I do love well established brand name products but I do not let that determine whether or not I will buy the item. Brand name used to be a priority until I started living on a budget, yikes!! I also consider if the item will complement the items in my closet.

Q: Your most embarrassing fashion moment?
Louisa: Hmm, this is a hard question. I wouldn’t necessarily say I’ve had one. But I remember dressing up in a new item and some stranger stopped me to tell me that I still had the tags on my pants (the XS label was still stuck on the pants). How could I have overlooked that??? Oh and another time when one of my loose braids dropped in the middle of a hall filled with mostly Caucasians!! Like a Naija girl, I walked away like I didn’t see it.

Q: So which would you call yourself stylista or fashionista?

Louisa: I wouldn’t really say I’m one or the other, but I sure do love to dress up. I am the last of 7 (SEVEN) girls and I used to watch my sisters dress up and I felt left out whenever my mum (and siblings) said I was still too young to wear heels, put on makeup, or wear strapless dresses. This minimalist idea is evident in my style – no over-the-top make and such. But if I had to choose one, I would say I’m a stylista because fashion come and go but your personal style lasts a lifetime.

Q: Say something you like and don’t like about this blog.. (to help improve the blog :D ) 

Louisa: I enjoy reading about contemporary trends on your blog which mainly focuses on African trends and I sometimes wonder where you get all the information from. I am curious to see what your personal style is like maybe through personal outfit posts.

Louisa's links blog - facebook - instagram
Thank you so much Louisa, I'm shy LOL! will try a personal style post soon **winks

I love Louisa's style and classy and simple, I think she is a fashion lover! Your thoughts?! 

If you'll like to feature on Fashion Lover Weekly kindly send your pictures and info to Thank you! 

Stay stylish and fab! Have a lovely Sunday!

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