
Oct 13, 2013

Fashion Lover Weekly; Nokhuthula

Fab people, hope ya'll are having a lovely weekend? This week's Fashion Lover is someone to love, she's an energetic personal blogger with great style... 

Q: Your name and brief details about you?

NokhuthulaNokhuthula Nyoni here; 21 year old fun size Fashion & Beauty Blogger, BA Hons Sociology and Criminology Graduate, Visual Merchandiser and Fashion Stylist who has the greatest ineffable infatuation with bright colours and prints.

Q: Fave fashion/style quote(s)?

Nokhuthula: I actually created my own quote, motto or should I say catch phrase especially for my Blog. Its how I see fashion, definitely my favourite.. "Its never about what you, its always about how you wear it!"

Q: Your top “5 wardrobe essentials”

Nokhuthula: I have more like "25 wardrobe essentials". Lets narrow it down to the basics..

*Dark wash jeans that fit properly.
*White Button down Shirt
* Classic Black pumps as they never go out of style
*'That one bag' which you love so much and goes with everything
*Neutral coloured jacket or blazer which you can wear years on end

Q: Do you follow trend? What’s your fave trend of the moment?

Nokhuthula: Not really a follower. I do sometimes follow trends that I actually like, this year I'm particularly loving the Neon & Graphics Prints Trend.Q: Something you won’t be caught dead with/in? + Your fave fashion item(s)

Nokhuthula: These super short shorts that are ever so popular right now. They leave your bottom hanging out, No, just No!

Q: Where do you shop?

Nokhuthula: For clothes I go to H&M, I practically live in there with the occasional Debenhams, Primark and Internacionale. Shoes, its all about New Look & River Island.
Online shopping, its all about and Ebay.
I think I'm the only Fashion Blogger who rarely ever shops in Topshop, I can never find anything when I go in there.

Q: Why do you buy an item (beauty price tag, trend, or brand?

Nokhuthula: I don't buy something because of its brand or whether its in or out of trends. I buy items that stand out to me, things I like and know ill actually wear.

Q: Your most embarrassing fashion moment?

Nokhuthula: I was running late for a Uni exam 2 years ago. Tired and half asleep, I didn't realise that I had left the house in pink fuzzy slippers. Can you imagine the horror when I looked at my feet after that exam.

Q: So which would you call yourself stylista or fashionista?

Nokhuthula: Stylista! I am not a slave to fashion, rushing to buy all the latest trends every season. Its all about individuality, doing your own thing at your own pace.

Q: Say something you like and don’t like about this blog.. (to help improve the blog :D )

Nokhuthula: I like that its very informative and posts are always in detail.
A little more humour would go a long way:)

Nokhuthula's links; Blog - Instagram - Twitter - Bloglovin

Thank you Nokhuthula :) will work on the humour part :D 

I love Nokhuthula's style, I think it's chic and colorful.. Your thoughts?!

If you'll like to feature on Fashion Lover Weekly kindly send your pictures and info to Thank you! 

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Stay stylish and fab! Have a lovely Sunday!

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