
Oct 6, 2013

Fashion Lover Weekly; Portia

Hello fab readers, today I'm bringing in something new "Fashion Lover Weekly" which will come up every Sunday. This segment intends to bring you fab and stylish fashionable people you can learn a little fashion tips from... Enjoy! 

First feature is my lovely and fashionable blog neighbour, she is a fashion blogger. 

Q: Your name and brief details about you?

Portia: My name's Nwaokonko Portia. A graduate of Law from Abia State University, Nigeria awaiting Law School. First born child with a sister, 3 brothers and really great parents. I'm Ibo from Abia State and live in Abuja with my family. I'm a God fearing, fashion loving girl.

Q:Fave fashion/style quote(s)?

Portia: Very popular fashion quote 'Fashion Fades, Style is Eternal'--Yves Saint Laurent 

Q: Your top “5 wardrobe essentials”

Portia: A black blazer
A black maxi gown
A pair of black pumps
A black skirt
A white top

Q: Do you follow trend? What’s your fave trend of the moment?

Portia: I won't really say I follow trends. I just wear what I feel good in. My favorite trends atm are 'Peplum' and 'Monochrome'.

Q: Something you won’t be caught dead with/in? + Your fave fashion item(s)

Portia: I can wear almost anything that's not indecent. I love shoes! I always want new shoes.

Q: Where do you shop?

Portia: I really don't have alotta money to spend on the kinna clothes I crave, so most times I go thrifting(2nd hand clothing stores). I love this cos its usually rare to find peeps wearing the same item of clothing you own and also cos its super affordable.I try to mix cheap clothings with items that aren't cheap. My favorite online stores are Miss Rebel, Asos and Zara. 

Q: Why do you buy an item (beauty, price tag, trend, or brand?)

Portia: I buy an item soley cos of its beauty. I'm attracted by a cloth or a pair of shoe, if its price friendly, then its a match made in heaven. Loll.The item being trendy or of a known brand would just be an added bonus. :D 

Q: Your most embarrassing fashion moment? 

Portia: My style feature on FBD.

Q: So which would you call yourself stylista or fashionista?

Portia: A fashionista is a person with her own style and is emulated by people...well I definitely have my own style but I've not gotten to the peak of it i.e peeps wanting to emulate my style(at least none that I know of except maybe my younger sis.loll).But its a work in progress. I'm an upcoming fashionista but I'm sooo not a slave to fashion trends. :D 
I can also say that I'm a stylista cos no matter what I wear, I feel really confident in it.

Q: Say something you like and don’t like about this blog.. (to help improve the blog :D ) 

Portia: Your blog is really informative. Its the only blog I know that carries the sorta information I find here. Its different and unique. Sometimes I wonder how you do it.You are doing an amazing job! 
God bless your hustle.

Portia's links; Blog - Facebook - Instagram

Thank you so much Portia, God bless you too! **kisses 

I love Portia's style and I think she is a fashion lover! Your thoughts?! 

If you'll like to feature on Fashion Lover Weekly kindly send your pictures and info to Thank you! 

Stay stylish and fab! Have a lovely Sunday!


  1. great style portia! pls what hair have u got in d last pic? thanks

  2. Loooove I read her blog...


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