
Oct 20, 2013

Fashion Lover Weekly; Sayedero

Happy Sunday guys! I'm super excited about today's feature, I love her style and blog.. and yaaah her hair game turns me on :/ LOL 

Q: Your name and brief details about you?

Sayedero: My name is Sayedero Enytan...I'm a fashion blogger and an entrepreneur 

Q: Fave fashion/style quote(s)?

Sayedero: You don't need a million to look a million 

Q: Your top “5 wardrobe essentials”

Sayedero: Black shoes,
Nude shoes
A statement necklace
Leather pants

Q: Something you won’t be caught dead with/in? + Your fave fashion item(s)

Sayedero: Fashion has thought me to never say I'll just say anything too exposing ...i love my timberlands!!!i feel like a G in them..Lool Plus it's classic,it can never go out of style! 

Q: Do you follow trend? What’s your fave trend of the moment?

Sayedero: If it fits my personality, sure but I won't go out of my way to wear what I'm not comfortable with.I'm loving the midi skirt and plaid pattern trend right now ...thinking of making a midi plaid skirt

 Q:  Where do you shop?

Sayedero: Anywhere Affordable.....Asos,Dubai,Lagos market for accessories and online stores In Nigeria 

 Q: Why do you buy an item (beauty, price tag, trend, or brand?)

Sayedero: All of the above...if its cute and the price is will be mine #iRhymed..Lool
Q: Your most embarrassing fashion moment? 

Sayedero: None that I can think of for now
 Q: So which would you call yourself stylista or fashionista?

Sayedero: I didn't know there was a difference Lool, but I'm guessing stylista is someone who stays true to her style rather than follow trends ,right? I'll choose that :D

Q: Say something you like and don’t like about this blog.. (to help improve the blog :D ) 

Sayedero: I love it!! Especially for a bargain hunter like me,it's very helpful and you can like to do more giveaways x_x 

Sayedero's links blog - Instagram - Facebook 

Thank you very much Sayedero.. I'll do my best to have frequent giveaways soon :D 

Well! She is a fashion lover! she got her game right! Your thoughts?! 

If you'll like to feature on Fashion Lover Weekly kindly send your pictures and info to Thank you! 

Stay stylish and fab! Have a lovely Sunday! 


  1. she looks very lovely, i love the orange dress.

  2. I love her she inspire me a lot ,she is a truly fashionista

  3. Awww!! Thanks a lot guys for your kind words :D


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